Marianne Breland
Airman & Family Readiness Manager


Ebony Sanders
Airman & Family Readiness Specialist

OFFICE: 601-405-8211
CELL: 601-826-5345
OFFICE: 601-405-8112
CELL: 601-500-0246


Airman and Family Readiness Program

   Our people are responsible for the success of our mission.  Family readiness and support programs are designed to enhance the quality of life which is critical to the  mission.

   Our Airman and Family Readiness Program is available to do just that; through orientation, education, communications support services, family activities and involvement.  The AFRP assists members with information on topics such as deployment cycles, Tricare medical and dental programs, financial readiness, community support programs, children's programs, mental health support and quality of life programs.  Services and programs provided through AFRP are free to military members and their families.

   Marianne Breland is the Tricare consultant for the 172d Airlift Wing.  Additional services include providing information and helping to facilitate:

- Wounded Warrior/Casualty Assistance

- Exceptional Family Member Program

- Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

- Financial Wellness

- Strong Bonds/Marriage Enrichment

   Ebony Sanders is the Transition Assistance Program consultant for the 172d Airlift Wing.

TAP: Transition Assistance Program Instructions:

-Individual Transition Plan

-Statement of Benefits

-Self Assessment Form