172d Chaplain Corps

Lt. Col. Seth Still
Wing Chaplain 
Maj. Caleb Clark
Capt. Ken Thomas
Office: 601-405-8972



172nd Airlift Wing Chapel Team strives to cultivate a high level of spiritual care that meets the Air Force Chaplain Corps mission “To care for Airmen and Guardians more than anyone thinks possible.” The Chapel team works to facilitate the free exercise of religion and support the Spiritual pillar in the Comprehensive Airman Fitness model.  Whether you are connected to a faith system, or do not have a faith preference, our mission is to support the members of 172nd AW and their families through their Air Force careers.


To provide for the spiritual welfare of the men and women of the 172nd AW and Gulfport CRTC during peacetime and wartime conditions.


Worship Service is held on Sunday of UTA weekend from 0815 to 0845 in the DFAC. Specific worship opportunities may be available in work areas throughout the UTA weekend. Reach out to your Group Chaplain for more details.  


Everyone occasionally encounters problems or questions for which there are no easy answers. When these times come, there is a confidential resource available to listen and help you find a solution. The Department of Defense affords chaplains the highest privileged communication status enabling members to communicate openly and honestly without fear of their privacy being compromised. Whatever the nature of your distress: personal, moral, spiritual, family, or substance, the 172nd AW RSTs are ready to serve you.

Strong bonds

Strong Bonds is an Air National Guard Chaplain Corps-led program to increase individual Airmen and family member readiness through relationship education and skills training. Strong Bonds is conducted in an offsite retreat format and provides a fun, safe, and secure environment in which to address the impact of relocations, deployments, and military lifestyle stressors.  Specific Strong Bonds training is offered for single Airmen, Couples, and Families with children.  Be on the lookout for the next Strong Bonds opportunity! 


Religious Support Teams (RSTs), consisting of a chaplain and religious affairs airman, are committed to being visibly present in work centers across the Wing. RSTs want to meet you, see where you work, and remind you that we are available when you need us.  Please feel free to introduce yourself and chat when you see an RST visiting your section.


Our office during UTAs is located on the south end of building 104.  Chaplain, Maj. Caleb Clark is the 172nd AW full-time chaplain. Chaplain Clark’s office is located in building 116 and is available throughout the duty week for any concerns.